Research Agenda

In collaboration with several members of the Evidence Project, we are excited to announce a research agenda that we hope will help instigate new work on COVID-19’s impacts on students, families, educators, and school systems.

The research agenda is the outgrowth of a set of working groups the Evidence Project convened with network members over the summer on the following topics: student and family well-being, student learning needs, education governance, resource allocation, and innovations in learning.

Across these topics, researchers highlighted (1) the need to understand what learning opportunities students have access to and how they are engaged in these opportunities, (2) the impact of innovations in learning on how resources are deployed in the system and who makes these decisions, and (3) the importance of moving beyond traditional measures to incorporate new assessments of student and community well-being.

View and download topic-specific recommendations from the working groups below.

Innovation - EP Research Agenda.pdf


Innovations in learning and school models as students, families, educators, schools and systems respond to COVID.

Governance - EP Research Agenda.pdf


Governance challenges and innovations in response to COVID disruptions.

Resource Allocation - EP Research Agenda.pdf


School funding decisions schools and districts are facing as a result of COVID-related disruptions and budget cuts.

Learning Acceleration - EP Research Agenda.pdf


Measuring students’ academic progress and/or social and emotional development during COVID disruptions.

Family Student Wellbeing - EP Research Agenda.pdf


Family and student well-being and efforts to support families and students during COVID disruptions.